Ten years ago, I took my first step on the mat. Yoga was coming home for me. As a little girl, I had many questions. Who am I really? Why are we here? I could feel alone in that. Through yoga practice and philosophy, a new world began to open up. The many yoga classes brought me closer to the answers I asked as a little girl. i felt a safe place to open more. A strong and warm community. Something I could always fall back on. The physical practice allowed me to put my mind second and listen more to my body. What an intelligent instrument the body is. All the answers are already within me. Yoga gives tools to accept, to heal, but also to feel a deeper sensation of love. Above all, it gives a foundation in daily life. Yoga=Life. Step onto the mat with me and discover the power of your own inner world. Jai!

Quiet the mind, open the heart- Ram Dass 

You can find Eva on the mat at the following classes: Early Morning Flow, Early Evening Flow, Vinyasa Flow Intermediate, Vinyasa Flow Basics, Relax Flow, Vinyasa all levels.

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