Studio 108

your cozy yoga studio in De Pijp
Why Studio 108?
  • Yoga is more than a workout! At Studio 108 you will find authentic yoga with attention to ancient yoga philosophy.
  • We like it cozy: that's why we are not a large-scale studio.
  • Classes are always of high quality and with lots of personal attention.
Stop by
  • If you are unsure if yoga is for you
  • For more guidance on postures and variations
  • If you are recovering from an injury and your physical therapist or doctor recommends yoga
  • If you take yoga seriously but sometimes want a little laugh during class
Who we are

We grew up in different corners of the world. Yoga is the common thread in our lives: from vinyasa to yin, hatha to restorative. We share our years of dedication to the practice and our passion for the transmission of authentic yoga in all its forms. So: we are ready to welcome you with open arms to our fine studio.