The number 108 is a symbolic, sacred and magical number in the yoga tradition.
Did you know?
- 108 is a Harshad number? That is a number divisible by the sum of its digits. Harshad in Sanskrit means great joy.
- The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth? In turn, the distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. And the average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
- 1 represents God, 0 represents emptiness or perfection in spiritual practice and 8 represents eternity?
- Buddha asks 108 questions and also gives 108 explanations in the holy scriptures
- Know large Buddhist temples 108 steps?
- Shiva has 108 names, reflecting his 108 qualities?
- 108 in the Qur'an refers to Allah?
- Krishna had 108 guardians?
- It is said that the deeper soul, the Atman, goes through 108 stages on its journey to enlightenment?
- Chakras are the nodes of energy lines? And that there are said to be 108 energy lines to form the heart chakra? The most important of these is the Sushumna that leads to the crown chakra, the path to enlightenment.
- There are 108 marmas (vital pressure points) in Indian medicine?
- It is said that man has 108 different emotions? 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present and 36 related to the future.
- There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet? Each letter has a male and female form, Shiva and Shakti: 54 × 2 = 108.
- 108 is 4×27, and that is 3×9, and that again is 3×3 and that refers to the three primal principles: something comes into being (Brahma), something is there (Vishnu), and something disappears again (Shiva).
- The symbolism of the number 108 is represented in the 108 beads of the prayer string (Mala) used for meditation? While going around a mala, 100 are counted as complete. The beads that remain are for correcting mistakes. The 8 are also considered an offering to God. A full round with the prayer bead is a symbolic journey from earth to heaven, that is, from ordinary consciousness to higher consciousness.
- The prehistoric monument Stonehenge is about 108 feet in diameter?
- We traditionally perform the sun salutation 108 times at the change of seasons? By doing 108 sun salutations, we greet the sun that gives us life energy.