For everyone! But perhaps specifically for you if you:

  • Looking for authentic yoga classes with high quality and lots of personal attention;
  • Been in doubt for a while about starting yoga but not sure if yoga is for you;
  • Not feeling at home in a large-scale studio (too anonymous) where you get little personal attention from the instructor;
  • Have been doing yoga for a while but are unsure if you are performing the poses correctly;
  • Want to experience why yoga is not the same as gymnastics or acrobatics, for example, by learning more about the philosophy;
  • Are recovering from an injury (and your physical therapist may have recommended yoga), but you have no idea what style suits you and your injury;
  • Does take yoga seriously but occasionally just wants to laugh during class.

Then Studio 108 is your yoga studio! Book your intro card here, or just walk in for a chat.