More than 23 years ago, Sharon stood on the yoga mat for the first time. It was love at first sight. This tasted like more, and the yoga practice became her compass through various phases of her life. Yoga made her stronger, more grounded and healthier - not only physically, but also mentally-emotionally. Yoga gave her greater insight into herself, her relationships with others and the world around her. She completed the 500-hour Vinyasa Teacher Training at Svaha Yoga Amsterdam and developed a deep love for the art of teaching. The classes are a combination of flow (movement connected to breathing), technical alignment, philosophy, respect and attention to the tradition of the practice. And yes! Laughter is also allowed during a class. 'Studio 108 is a place where everyone can experience the magic of this ancient practice, with proper personal attention and guidance.'

Sharon teaches the following classes: Relax Flow, Vinyasa Flow intermediate, Vinyasa Flow basics, Restorative Yoga, Early Morning Vinyasa Flow and Vinyasa Flow Power Hour. She also offers individual programs such as Personal Yoga Training and Yoga Stress Release.

'What is essential is invisible to the eyes; it is only with the heart that one can see clearly' (Le Petit Prince, Antoine St. Exupery)

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