Norman began yoga in 2000, seeking rest and relaxation in his hectic life in the theater, where he worked as a theater producer and actor. He was immediately, as they say, "hooked.

Yet it took a while until yoga really became a big part of his life. It took a number of physical injuries and personal setbacks for him to discover the healing power of yoga. Then the journey really began.

With his classes, Norman tries to introduce as many people as possible to yoga and give them a similar experience. The experience that yoga can be healing, for both body and mind. That yoga is more than the asanas and takes place not only on the mat, but also, or perhaps especially, off the mat.

In Norman's classes a lot of flow, the dynamic flow of Vinyasa, and the calmer flow of Vinyasa Basics. But whatever class he teaches, it's always with a personal touch and with plenty of room for personal attention. Even if you stop by for yoga over lunch!

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