Nadine, Austrian by birth, is a certified Hatha Yoga and Yin teacher. After living in Finland, Sweden and Belgium, she finally settled in Amsterdam.

After a career in corporate marketing, she devoted her life entirely to yoga. Yoga gave her a healthy body, after a sedentary life behind the computer. But above all, the practice of yoga has given her more peace of mind. She has broken free from continuous overthinking, she has learned to slow down, let go and has reconnected with herself. For her, yoga is particularly about the process of letting go; you can let go of anything that gets in the way of your true, real self.

The connection with your own truth and your most authentic self is central to her classes. Through her guidance you come more into your body with your attention, let go of tension, expectations and judgments. And you learn to be present, in the here and now. You practice all this on the yoga mat, but you can also take it into your daily life.

You can meet Nadine as a substitute teacher at the following classes: Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga.

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