'As a teenager, I once went with my mother to a yoga class at the community center. I don't remember much about that first class, except that everyone there was so incredibly comfortable being themselves, pure.
Until 2016, yoga was an occasional class on the mat that mainly relaxed me and made me feel good. Only after my first Vipassana meditation did I notice that it went much deeper than that. That the philosophy, the peace you can find in your mind and really being present to the here and now is a much more important aspect than the physical exercise. The exercises on the mat, asana practice, help me get out of my head after a busy day, it brings me back to what is important to me and teaches me to keep breathing even when things get difficult.

I look forward to sharing this beautiful practice with you!

'Your heart is the light of this world. Don't cover it with your mind' - Mooji


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