'Even though it's been a while: I can still remember my first yoga class very well. Especially the feeling afterwards: I felt energetic and calm at the same time. At that time I couldn't quite place the essence of yoga yet but I fell in love with the feeling after the class: the 'after-yoga buzz'. If it's your first time coming to a class at Studio 108, you'll know what I mean afterwards :-). I quickly realized that yoga would bring me more than just physical flexibility. Once I began to understand more about the philosophy of yoga, a world opened up to me: I would not let go of yoga. It fascinates me how yoga can teach you so much about the connection between body and mind. Yoga has helped me a lot with all kinds of challenges, both on the mat and in my daily life. I would love to share and further explore my experiences with you at Studio 108! I teach the following classes: Early Morning Flow and Vinyasa Flow Intermediate.


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