Learning to be present in my body has been my biggest challenge in life. Before I had the tools to deal with my high sensitivity, ADD and trauma resulted in several addictions and a high level of insecurity in my system. Result? I was mostly out of connection with myself and therefore with everything outside myself.

My classes focus a lot on presence, grounding, embodiment and inner truth. Life gives you continuous invitations to return to the breath, your bodily sensations and to remind yourself that everything you feel is okay. In my yoga classes, therefore, the focus is on the NOW: slowing down, observing and feeling what is present now. On your mat you will experience gentleness and more self-compassion, even when discomfort and "negative" emotions come up. I bring a mix of wisdom and playfulness, because everything can be there without it having to be mega heavy. Think of me as a love & lighter minus the bypass and without fear of the dark. Hopefully you will also take this practice of radical inclusion down your mat, when of course the practice really begins.

Charlotte teaches the following classes: Yin Yoga and Yang-Yin.


Charlotte is a coach, anthropologist, yoga teacher

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