Personal Yoga Training


  • 1 on 1 class or: 1 on two
  • For beginners and more experienced yogis
  • Personalized introduction or deepening of certain postures
  • Also suitable for recovering injuries and minor physical issues
  • Personalized guidance
  • Includes intake & 75-90 minute sessions

Have you just started your yoga practice or have you spent many hours on your mat already? Are there any specific postures of which you feel you could use a bit more and elaborate instruction? Or do you encounter postures in classes that you can only practice very irregularly and on which you would love to spend more time and attention?  Are you suffering from a (long lasting) injury or minor physical complaints in your daily life or during your yoga practice? Personal Yoga Training will offer you specific and personalized guidance in your practice. One session lasts approximately between 75-90 minutes. Before your first session we will start with an intake. Also bookable in duo’s, so you can bring your friend, partner, family member.

    Yoga Stress ReleasePersonal Yoga Training