Merdan took yoga courses in India (Rishikesh) and Amsterdam (Svaha Yoga). As a yoga teacher, Merdan brings together his experience and knowledge as a choreographer, masseur and former biologist: 'Through the direct experience of working with your body, you learn more about yourself. Then by refining this knowledge to working with your mind you find that you can eventually experience more stillness, more peace. I feel very inspired to share my passion for yoga with you. And to empower you on your own personal journey to wellness and health. In my classes, I combine dynamic sequences in an intense flow with postures that we hold for longer periods of time. I guide you in your focus on breathing and body alignment. The entire class becomes a meditation in motion, ending in a final relaxation pose where you can let go of everything completely.

Yoga has great significance in my daily life. Thanks to yoga, I stay healthy and close to myself. Yoga gives me the support, strength, knowledge and confidence that everything needed is already there.' To learn more about Merdan, visit

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