In her first twenty years of life, Gina devoted herself to the world of contemporary dance. Graduating from both the preliminary dance school at Codarts and the Amsterdam School of the Arts with a Bachelor of Dance, she gained experience, knowledge and passion about the movement of the human body. In the meantime, yoga made its silent entry into her life and showed her the gateway to psychosomatic connections. For her, the practice of yoga carries the power to reconnect yourself with that which you can only feel and cannot rationalize, a state of training to touch and discover the intangible layers of body and mind.

She is currently immersing herself in learning about the healing aspects of the human body through working with massage therapy, children's yoga and yoga therapy. She has studied these practices at the ITM massage school, the Children's Yoga Academy and the Amrit Yoga Institute.

You can find Gina on the mat at the following classes: Yoga Therapy Group Class.

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